New York Times & USA Today Bestselling author
Paula Quinn
Making Knights out of Highlanders, dragons & faeries one page at a time.
A Wraith at Midnight (ft. A Love For All Time)
Available now

“Two of these autumn-themed stories make the offering well worth the price. Mary Jo Putney and Paula Quinn have penned beautiful and humorous works perfect for the season. "
Amazon reviewer
A love across time and beyond
Lord Oliver Gracehaven doesn't want some company of men led by a fiery red-headed wench who took a swing at him traipsing through his castle, making plans to restore it. Let it fall into the sea and mayhap he will fall with it. If he's lucky. He doesn't want to live this spectral life anymore, frightening visitors when they come to tour his home. Six hundred years of having no one to see him, hear him, speak to him. It's makes him forget what being alive was like.
Until Magnolia Montgomery steps into his life and almost dies the same way he did. Instead, she breathes marvelous life back into his vengeful heart. But the thought of touching her drives him mad. The thought of loving her becomes more tragic than his death.
When the gauntlet he was wearing the night his newly-wed wife pushed him over the battlements and into the raging sea below is found, it proves to be doorway to the past.
A doorway Maggie will pass through to save his life, even if it means losing him forever if she succeeds.
"He drew in a deep breath, letting phantom smells of the salty sea mist permeate his lungs. He remembered how the sea tasted in his mouth, being swallowed and swallowing him up at the same time while he sank to his watery grave.But he hadn’t died by drowning. No, it was love that killed him."